About Me

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I have been teaching English for 15 years. My educational credentials include a Ph.D. in learning technologies and an M.A. in English & American literature. I wouldn’t say I am a workaholic, but I am, no doubt, devoted to my work. For me, there are always things to do and to learn. I can never understand why some people would say they are ‘bored’. When I am not working, most of my time is spent reading and chatting with my husband. My husband has a lot in common with me. We both are, I would like to believe, intellectual and fun to be with. We are planning to add a member to our family soon – a cat!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The campus

Three weeks have passed. I now know my way around the campus, although I still wonder why there are so many dogs in front of the library. I found the shops and eateries outside the university are small and traditional. It's really cool that the neighborhood can maintain its ‘village-like’ character in a city that is basically a jungle of tall buildings. However, it would also be lovely to have a couple more quiet cafes and restaurants in the neighborhood. Or perhaps these nice places are hidden in small alleys? I guess I should go explore more when I'm not snowed under with work.


  1. Well... there used to be one or two OK cafes in the area, but they've all been closed. Maybe you should open one in the future!


  2. This sounds like a fantastic idea, Alvin. Instead of sitting in front of a computer all day preparing for teaching materials, I should start researching what kind of coffee shop to open and what types of coffee university students and teachers like. :)
