About Me

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I have been teaching English for 15 years. My educational credentials include a Ph.D. in learning technologies and an M.A. in English & American literature. I wouldn’t say I am a workaholic, but I am, no doubt, devoted to my work. For me, there are always things to do and to learn. I can never understand why some people would say they are ‘bored’. When I am not working, most of my time is spent reading and chatting with my husband. My husband has a lot in common with me. We both are, I would like to believe, intellectual and fun to be with. We are planning to add a member to our family soon – a cat!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tricky problems

It was rather interesting to see the result of students' choices of the trickiest relationship problem. I picked the three letters for two reasons: one was that they were well written; the other was my curiosity to know whether there were cultural differences in people’s views on these issues. I had a hunch there were. Men not wanting to commit has already been more of a Western issue. I actually think most Taiwanese men are too ready to commit. I was only wondering if the new generation is the same. As for the worry about starting a relationship with a new roommate too soon (‘crushin’), as I had expected, got very few votes. It may receive more votes from Western students.

The result of the poll also shows a strong gender difference. Silly me! How could I not predict this? This is such a pleasant surprise, as my plan for next week will follow on nicely from it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The campus

Three weeks have passed. I now know my way around the campus, although I still wonder why there are so many dogs in front of the library. I found the shops and eateries outside the university are small and traditional. It's really cool that the neighborhood can maintain its ‘village-like’ character in a city that is basically a jungle of tall buildings. However, it would also be lovely to have a couple more quiet cafes and restaurants in the neighborhood. Or perhaps these nice places are hidden in small alleys? I guess I should go explore more when I'm not snowed under with work.