About Me

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I have been teaching English for 15 years. My educational credentials include a Ph.D. in learning technologies and an M.A. in English & American literature. I wouldn’t say I am a workaholic, but I am, no doubt, devoted to my work. For me, there are always things to do and to learn. I can never understand why some people would say they are ‘bored’. When I am not working, most of my time is spent reading and chatting with my husband. My husband has a lot in common with me. We both are, I would like to believe, intellectual and fun to be with. We are planning to add a member to our family soon – a cat!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My bus ride

The trip from home to the uni is about 50 minutes. I don't mind it if I can get a seat on the bus. There are many reasons why I don't drive. I can't be bothered to take care of a car, the way people drive here scares me, I have a poor sense of direction, to name just a few. The main reason, though, is I need the time on the bus to 'think'. You see - there is always something I need to do when I'm in the office or at home. Taking time off to do nothing but think has been a luxury for me. So the bus ride is actually a joy. Apparently, I am one of those people who get carsick reading on the bus (not on the plane, not on the train, but just on the bus). So I'm physically confined to that space, unable to do anything or go anywhere. What's on my mind during those two hours? Well, on the trip to the uni, I most likely will be thinking about what I'm teaching that day. On the trip home, believe it or not, I reflect on my teaching: did the class go as I had planned, what should I do next time to make it better, did students do or say anything interesting, and so on. Then when I get home, I talk about all this to my husband and bore the heck out of him. But hey, he does this to me too!


  1. Dear Rainbow:
    we use "on" the bus, plane and train instead of "in"?

    Personally, I don't like to take bus for a long time(more than half an hour) because I was fed up with it when I was in high school! It takes me "at least" 40 minutes to go to school.(From Banciao to Jingmei)

  2. Yes Leony. You use 'on' rather than 'in' in this case. However, a train has a number of cars (or 'carriages'/'coaches' in British English), such as a dining car (or a 'restaurant carriage' in BE) and a sleeping car/carriage. If you're talking about being in one of the cars/coaches, you say, 'in' the car/coach 'on' a train.

    I can totally relate to what you said about your bus ride in high school. Having to pack into a crowded bus is a true nightmare for most high school students, for sure. We are glad we are not high school students any more, aren't we! :)
