About Me

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I have been teaching English for 15 years. My educational credentials include a Ph.D. in learning technologies and an M.A. in English & American literature. I wouldn’t say I am a workaholic, but I am, no doubt, devoted to my work. For me, there are always things to do and to learn. I can never understand why some people would say they are ‘bored’. When I am not working, most of my time is spent reading and chatting with my husband. My husband has a lot in common with me. We both are, I would like to believe, intellectual and fun to be with. We are planning to add a member to our family soon – a cat!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New semester, new environment

This is my first semester at a new university. I'm teaching three courses, including one called 'Learning English with Corpora and the Web'. This course is going to be fun. In a couple of weeks, students will have their own blogs up and running. I'm very excited to see what they will be writing about in their blogs. I've always believed that the best way to learn English is to learn it through doing something you like to do. Let's hope this blogging activity will work and students will develop an interest in documenting some part of their life through writing.